
Arte Poli Gallery

The Shroud Man

From the Shroud to the body that was wrapped in it
Rebuild the body starting from its imprint. A process defined by many as impossible. Sergio Rodella faced and solved it with the collaboration of Progetto Arte Poli.

From the image to the three-dimensional form.
The darker or lighter traces, as a sign of the greater or lesser adhesion of the body to the cloth that wrapped it. Sergio Rodella in collaboration with Progetto Arte Poli: three years of work to create the man of the Shroud.

The image of the Holy Shroud as a source of meditation and prayer.
Faith, tenacity and confidence in one's ability to understand and create. The man of the Shroud is the result of a long process of study and research. A work by Sergio Rodella created in collaboration with Progetto Arte Poli.

Arte Poli gallery

- Borgo Vittorio 88, Rome -

invites you to the exclusive exhibition:

The Shroud Man

From the Shroud to a tridimentional shape of the body that was wrapped in it. A unique sculpture, a result of art, faith and science, made by artist Sergio Rodella in collaboration with Progetto Arte Poli.

Artworks by Master Albano Poli

Internationally-renowned sacred art artist, who recently made the new ambo for Saint John Lateran Basilica.

The exhibition is organized by
Progetto Arte Poli in collaboration with Museo dei Papi

Entrance and guided tours by appointment

From Tuesday to Friday
10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00-18:00

+39 06 68309510
+39 3381363298

The Shroud Man, a unique sculpture.

The Man of the Shroud is the sculpture created by Sergio Rodella starting from the image of the Shroud. It is a three-dimensional representation of Christ who, with the method of "wrapping the cloth", is revealed to be matching with the Shroud itself. Many artists had gone as far as to depict and represent the image of the Man contained in...

Progetto Arte Poli - Opere per il sacro

Galleria Arte Poli:
Borgo Vittorio 88,
zona Basilica di S.Pietro, ROMA
tel. 06 68309510

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