Risen Christ Church, S.Fidenzio Church, Verona
St. Antony Basilica, Padua
Saint John Lateran Basilica, Rome
Basilica di S.Zeno, Verona
Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome
Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome
Basilica S.Vitale, Ravenna
Basilica of the Holy Cross, Florence
Scrovegni Chapel, Padua
Private chapel, Brescia
Private chapel, USA
Don Luigi Maran Institute, Pordenone
Cathedral of Ancona
Cathedral of Bari
Casthanal Cathedral, Brasile
Cathedral of Cesena, Forlì
Cathedral of Courmayer
Temple of Divine Providence, Warsaw
St. John Paul II Centre, Cracow
Centenaro - Brescia
Risen Christ Church, San Fidenzio Institute, Verona
Risen Christ Church, San Fidenzio Institute, Verona
Risen Christ Church, San Fidenzio Institute, Verona
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Andria, Bari
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Andria, Bari
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Andria, Bari
Immaculate Heart Church, Avellino
Immaculate Heart Church, Avellino
Church of the Holy Martyrs of Selva Candida - Rome
Sacro Cuore Church, Frosinone
Minervino Murge
Holy Family Church in Pian Camuno, Brescia
Transfiguration Church, Trento
Risen Christ Church, Padergnone, Brescia
Don Gnocchi Church, Milan
Don Gnocchi Church, Milan
Church of The Magnificient Forest, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
St. Benedict Church, Brescia
Saint Beretta Molla Church, Rome
St. Charles Church, Bari
Saint Francis of Assisi Church, Colombare di Sirmione, Brescia
St.Francis and St.Clare Church, Marghera, Venice
St. Gaetano Church, Valdagno, Udine
St.Gennaro Church, Folignano, Ascoli Piceno
Saint James Church, Brescia
St. Joseph the Baptist Church, Erbè, Verona
St.John Paul II Church, Merine, Lecce
St. Martin church in Bordonchio, Rimini
St. Stephen Church, Ronchi dei Legionari, Gorizia
Church of San Valentino, Latina
S.Maria Assunta Church, Cisterna di Latina, Latina
S.Maria Assunta Church, Cisterna di Latina, Latina
S.Maria Ausiliatrice Church, Civitanova Marche, Ascoli Piceno
St. Mary Church, Sorgà, Verona
Glass Church in Baranzate, Milan
Church in Xitang, Beijing, China
Church of Jesus the Divine Master, Rome
Church of Jesus the Divine Master, Rome
Gesù Redentore Church, Palestrina, Rome
Maria SS. Immacolata church, Bari
Maria SS. Immacolata church, Bari
Merine,Lecce - Parish Church
Presentation of the Lord Church, Mesero, Milan
Queen of Peace Church, Medjugorje
Sacred Heart Church, Taiyuan, China
S.Leonard Murialdo Church, Milan
S.Maria Stella dell'Evangelizzazione Church, Rome
S. Maria delle Grazie church, Pesaro
Church Santa Maria delle Grazie, San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia
Church in Mascarino Venezzano, Bologna
Cathedral of Fermo, Ascoli Piceno
Cathedral of Modena
Cathedral of S.Stefano, Buja - Udine
Cathedral of Venzone, Udine
Arte Poli Gallery, Rome
Arte Poli Gallery, Rome
Arte Poli Gallery, Rome
Arte Poli Gallery, Rome
Vatican Gardens, Vatican City
Carmelite Sisters Institure, Verona
Suore Luigine Institure, Parma
Monastery of the Poor Clares, Gorizia
Saint Claire monastery, Naples
Cross of the Third Millennium Monument, Chile
Negrar - Verona
Parish of Chiquinquira, Venezuela
Parish Church in Selargius, Cagliari
The first Catholic University in Hong Kong
Sanctuary of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Foggia
Our Lady of Tears Sanctuary, Siracusa
Diocesan Seminary, Molfetta, Bari
Painting by Andrea Previtali

Progetto Arte Poli - Liturgical artworks

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37139 VERONA, Italy
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zona Basilica di S.Pietro, ROMA
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